Swap Fee Structure

85-90% of trading fees go to $veYAKA holders. Default fees:

  • Volatile Pair (vrAMM) - 0.2% swap fee

  • Correlated Pair (crAMM) - 0.01% swap fee

Fees are adjustable by the YAKA multisig if need be, to ensure the competitiveness and attractiveness for veYAKA holders. The average ranges* of each will be around: - Volatile (0.2-2%) - Correlated (0.01%-0.03%)

*In the event of extreme market volatility, the YakaReserve can hike the fees past the ranges, within reason. The theoretical MIN and MAX for the pair fees is (1<= Fee <= 500bps). This means the minimum fee is 0.01%, and the highest is 5.00%.

Last updated