
Stable (Liquidity)

Curve style of stable pool for correlated or loosely pegged pairs of assets, such as $SEI-$iSEI or $USDT-$USDC.

Stable pool is a type of liquidity pool that is designed specifically for assets that are expected to consistently trade at near parity, such as stablecoins or synthetics. Unlike traditional AMMs, which use a constant product formula (xy=k) to calculate prices, sAMMs use a constant sum formula. This helps to reduce slippage and price impact, making sAMMs particularly well-suited for stable assets.

Fee structure : 0.01%

Volatile (Liquidity)

UniV2-style Variable Pool designed for uncorrelated pairs of assets such as $SEI-$USDT.

Variable Pool comprises two tokens that users can swap, with the exchange rate determined by each token's relative supply and demand through the constant product formula (xy=k). These pools are ideal for trading more volatile tokens, as they can rapidly adapt to fluctuating market conditions.

Fee structure : 0.2%


Lock your $YAKA for governance power.

veYAKA Utilities

Protocol revenue access: veYAKA holders can vote for gauges on a weekly basis, and access 85-90% of the trading fees (the rest 10-15% goes to Yaka Voyager NFT holders) and 100% of the bribes for the associated pool.

Governance participation: veYAKA holders can partake in governance and cast votes for the protocol improvement proposals.

veYAKA voters receive:

  1. Trading fees generated by the pool(s) they vote for

  2. Bribes deposited for the pools they vote for

  3. Weekly veYAKA distribution (rebase)


A pool with dynamic $YAKA rewards based on veYAKA weekly voting allocation. No negative voting.


Custom amount of tokens paid by a third party on a gauge to veYAKA holders in exchange for their votes.

Last updated